DAFTAR PUSTAKA, founded at the Bandung and hosted by Pamong Peduli, began as an educational initiative designed to provide students and professionals in the library and information science profession a place to explore and learn about the practice of librarianship in the digital age.

To date, thousands of students have been involved in the design, build, create and maintain paper and makalahnya. In addition, hundreds of volunteer librarians around the world have involved far, answer the questions in our Ask the reference. Through the efforts of students and the student can write a paper tulisnya.

Students at several other schools have been participating in the search for reference books for many years. Some of us have agreed to join with the other librarian Consortium to establish a service and take active part in the development and maintenance of education

DAFTAR PUSTAKA now offers the ability to search for code snippets within the Daftar_Pustaka. It’s easy to find quick references and example code snippets for specific class definitions, function definitions or function calls — and once you find the result(s) you’re looking for.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


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